Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Self and peer-assessment

Today (15.04.14) first what we have done it is self-assessment assignment, where all of us took one toys and associated them with our moods, feelings. It was one method of self-assessment as I understood. As a teacher we have to find right questions to ask from our students to know them deeply. And here Irma showed us an 'Iceberg metaphor'. 
Next tools of self-assessment is digital portfolio or personal portfolio.
After these activities we theoretically understood What is a peer assessment. Irma gave the paper with a table. We were divided into 5 groups. Our group consisted of Zhandos, Zhupat, Nazim and I. We have created three questions for assessment - group working skills. Then Irma gave us the assignment. According to this assignment we have to create our group's course and how do we or students assess their knowledge and skills before, in the beginning, during and at the end of the course. We have drawn our thoughts and ideas about this. In the end of the lesson we have presented our poster in a group. I think that we did it well. 

Monday, 14 April 2014

Teacher's own competence in assessment

Today (14.04.14) we had a lesson with Irma Kunnari. In the weekend we in a group discussed about this topic and answered for her questions. At the beginning of the lesson we started to discuss about our answers. After this Irma tried explain us What does assessment mean?, How do Finnish teachers understand it?  and How do they assess their students? by using a couple of scheme. 
Then she gave us assignment which consists of reading about assessment from the curriculum and discussing in a group of four. During reading and discussion we have found with Aigerim some sentences that we did not understand. After discussion we wrote our thoughts and questions on the poster. Then we have described our notes. As a expert Irma tried to answer and explain it deeply. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Simon Barclay the president of World competition

  In 1950 started International skills competition.
  Competitions have 3 outcomes:
- Competition and winners;
publicity,  important for parents, ...
- transfer knowledge among countries;
- international benchmarking.
  Competition is a process.  It isn't important to be at the top. The main thing just to be a part of this process. 
  World skills competition about training of excellences. Training excellence for the working life the crucial point of view.

Skills competition. Lahti. Seminar

Skills Finland in a nutshell.
Non- profit association,  founded in 1993.
They organize three national competitions named Taitaja. Taitaja+ helps students to develop their skills.  For special needs students.
And three international competitions: EuroSkills2014. Next will be in Brazil.
2005 Finland organized World skills competition in Helsinki.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Strengthes of WBL


WBL in Europe-  key success factors

European Union member

About work based learning.  How this approach helps students in the Vocational Education and Training.

QR code generator

             The presentation was made using Prezi.com by me.
             The topic of this presentation 'Kazakhstan today'


Monday, 7 April 2014

Web based learning

       Today we have learnt about Web based learning. Jukka gave us theoretical materials about this topic based on experineces. We understood more deeply. Through different modules of e-learning in the afternoon lesson we made examples of lesson using e-learning tools. All group members did their best.
      During the lesson we learnt a new application 'Mindmeister' which helps us to write our thoughts immediately, this application wrks like a mindmap. Another application some of us have already used, others learnt how to use application in the IPad called 'Popplet'. those tools that we have learnt today useful and helpful in teaching. By 'Popplet' application we have created our own lessons and presented them.
    I worked with Aigerim, and below you could see our pair work's result.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Entrepreneurial school project

In a group we made example of entrepreneurial school.
Zhupat Oralovna, Zhanat, Aibarshyn, Samat and I.
Zhupat Oralovna described our groups thoughts and ideas.

Entrepreneurship lesson

 Other group's work about What does entrepreneurship mean? and How to become entrepreneurial?


The lesson in the Visamaki with Vesa Tuomela.
We worked in a group. My group consisted Zhupat Oralovna, Aibarshyn and I.
Vesa gave us two questions: What is entrepreneurship? and How to become entrepreneurial?
We tryed to answer for this question.

Dialogue method with Helena Aarnio


 Dialogue method with Helena Aarnio.
Some practice work in the lesson.

We was divided into four groups. Every group member in a group said  his or her an idea about Dialogical method.

Then groups expressed their thoughts on the poster.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

What is integrated teaching?

“An integrated approach allows learners to explore, gather, process, refine and present information about topics they want to investigate without the constraints imposed by traditional subject barriers” (Pigdon and Woolley, 1992). An integrated approach allows students to engage in purposeful, relevant learning.Integrated learning encourages students to see the interconnectedness and interrelationships between the curriculum areas. Rather than focusing on learning in isolated curriculum areas, an integrated program is based on skill development around a particular theme that is relevant to the children in the class.

21st century skills definitions

What kind of knowledge and skills should have a teacher and students?


Jouni Enqvist gave us presentation about the TPCK. We discussed with our teachers. We knew before that a content or subject knowledge is not enough to teach.

TPCK Described: http://youtu.be/BOt841VEHno