During this week we had a lesson with Tuomas Eerola and Pirjo Tuominen. The main topic was 'Skills week/Recognising exceptionally talented students'. In brief Tuomas gave us presentation. Then we discussed about talanted students, How recognize talanted students and next steps. After that he gave us a book which consists articles were written by lecturers from HAMK University. We had a look to the article 'Recognizing and supporting a student's special strengths'.
By this article we discussed about the multi-dimentional model developed by Howard Gardner. 'Gardner's model comprises eight areas of intelligence: linguistic/verbal, logical/mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist, interpersonal, intrapersonal. In peers we tried to find out our intelligence according to Gardner's model. After that shared our ideas and thouhts.
Tuomas also familiarized us with Skills competitions in Finland: WorldSkills, EuroSkills, Taitaja, Taitaja9, TaitajaPLUS. I want to notice that they have a competition for the special needs students.